Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 19:00 / Closed on Weekends

NAPELA means TOGETHERNESS, We believe that all people are entitled to improve their lively hood and have the right to participate in the growth of Society and the development of their Community irrespective of their ethnic, religious or social background or status. We are committed to the improvement and empowerment of Immigrant and their families through the creation of culturally sensitive programs designed to explore opportunities and cultivate their potential thus paving the way for sustainable economic growth.

We conduct learning programs which are specifically designed to meet the basic educational needs of our participants and to develop their skills.

The beneficiaries of our educational program are immigrant living on Staten Island north shore who are desirous of learning the art of reading and writing and those desirous of improving their communication skills. The youth programs offered training in leadership, traditional dances and culture, so they can learn self-esteem, respect and they grow up knowing their origin. We also support women at the Parkhill Community Market through small business skills training.